Leadership Coaching

I’ve developed my coaching approach from 30+ years working directly with business leaders as they have discovered the self awareness, qualities and meta-skills to generate their personal, team and cultural breakthroughs. 

All change and progress starts with some kind of motivation. It might be a drive to move away from some undesirable problem or difficulty; or it could be a desire to move towards a vision, idea or deeply held feeling about potential or possibility. 

Turning motivation and energy into meaningful direction and then generating the skills, qualities and conditions to manifest the change, requires a commitment to continuous self awareness, and an awareness of the complex systemic interconnectedness of everything. Our attention needs to be expertly coordinated from micro to macro, through time, and via multiple perspectives, to create our wisest and most valuable outcomes. 

That’s a massive undertaking which can be supported by a conscious coach working expertly to guide you to the most pertinent parts of the Conscious Compass©at any given time. 

My coaching is designed to help you deal with reality as it actually is, rather than allow misconceptions, untested assumptions and sometimes subtle and blatant distortions to influence the quality of your thinking, decisions and actions.

I help you see your blind spots, hear the flaws in your stories, and feel the passionate connections to your heartfelt desires. I model the desired states and skills in my coaching style and help you discover your true strengths and uniqueness. I support your capabilities and skills development in real time and in relation to your real personal, relational and business issues. My job is to help you generate greater levels of internal self awareness, external sensitivity, flexibility and influence; and to help you generate meaningful direction, fresh solutions, options and enjoyment in your leadership. The chances are that you might also create a sustainable and meaningful business with healthy profits and growth too!

Check out my Conscious Leadership Coaching options for individuals and teams below.

Individual Online Sessions

For those leaders wanting some coaching for a specific issue, for personal development, or for career coaching. Ad-hoc sessions are great for getting some quick help with something you are stuck on, a relationship issue best explored outside of the leadership team, or for having a career review with someone outside of your organisation. 

An online coaching session usually last between 90 and 120 minutes. It is arranged at a time to suit us both and requires access to Skype or FaceTime and an internet connection. 

The cost of a single session is £850.

Quarterly Online Sessions

As above but you purchase 4 sessions at a reduced cost and call them off over a 12 month period. This can be useful for leaders who want to regularly review their development over the year, or for those wanting to work on something more intensely for a few months. 

4 online coaching sessions each lasting up to 120 minutes. Requires access to Skype or FaceTime and an internet connection. Dates and times can be agreed to suit both but you don’t have to schedule the sessions all at once. 

The cost for 4 sessions is £3000 (£750 per session).

Annual Online Sessions

As above but for a series of 10 sessions up to 120 minutes each. This is an ideal coaching package for leaders and leadership teams working on their personal and team development. The sessions can be taken over a 12 month period. This is a very cost effective way to develop senior leadership teams where it might be more of a challenge initially to engage in public or team development workshops. It is completely tailored to your needs and goals. 

Requires access to Skype or FaceTime and an internet connection. Dates and times can be scheduled in advance or as appropriate. 

The cost for 10 sessions is £6000 (£600 per session). 

Face to Face Coaching Sessions & Workshops

I am only able to schedule a few Face to Face sessions and Workshops these days so please contact me for a chat about possibilities. 

Face to Face sessions cost £1200 for up to 2 hours plus travel costs.

Workshops are priced at £2500 per day plus travel and accommodation if necessary.

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“I have engaged Lorraine’s coaching a number of times in my career so it was easy to bring her in to my current organisation when we were experiencing some tricky relationship issues in my top team. The leadership team had developed some unhealthy resentments and grievances which were impacting the whole team’s performance as well as having an effect on the quality of communication throughout. 

The most frustrating aspect of this for me was that individually, each leader was outstanding in their areas of expertise, but lacked the trust and skill to communicate well with each other. It became clear to me that there was no significant communication or decision making happening in our meetings, rather individuals would approach me outside of our meetings to communicate the truth and make important decisions. 

Initially I asked Lorraine to work with the whole team to help them understand the benefits of coaching and to build their communication and relationship skills. This took the form of a series of 3 workshops over three months which was great for me to see my team in a developmental context and to experience directly their insights. She then coached each member of the team individually to help resolve some current and historical conflicts. It was sensitive and complex work to untangle some emotions and beliefs that had festered for years. 

Some shifts happened very quickly while one particular relationship took a bit longer to really resolve, but within 3 to 4 months my whole team were able to have open, honest, relevant discussions in our team meetings. We are all confident now about expressing our real views, there is a marked improvement in our listening to each other, and we are facing the important issues and making courageous decisions about our business. 

I recommend Lorraine’s coaching to anyone looking to improve the quality of communication in their leadership teams. The benefits are not only improved and faster business decisions, but also the enjoyment of working as part of a happy and effective team.”

PF, CEO, IT Business

“Over the past two years I have been leading a team through a business divestment strategy, where the team were required for an indefinite period of time but eventually their roles would be ending, and for some this would be after a long tenure in the business.

It is important to note the team are a traditional IT Team who possess high technical skills but have previously not received any investment to support their soft skills, challenge their mind set and explore new ways to approach situations. Our mission depended on the team being able to work together and be resilient to the changing environment around them whilst the team reduced in size periodically over the two years.

The introduction of Lorraine has been one of the most important assets and success stories that has helped both myself and the team.  Lorraine has provided us with tools and coaching techniques to not only manage the mission we had to deliver but also our journey beyond both personally and professionally.

Lorraine engages everyone at all levels and the results have been incredible.  The team’s productivity and communication has improved immensely along with enabling the team to challenge their thinking and feel comfortable with change and uncertainty.

I would highly recommend Lorraine for any situation as she is able to bespoke sessions to your business and she delivers and exceeds on the outcomes and results you require.”

Michelle Ripley, CIO, Moray Group

“I accepted the CEO role knowing it would be a major challenge to turn the business around. I knew we needed to work out what levels of capability we had in the business quickly and especially to identify the leadership team’s appetite for change. I knew instinctively that we would need to both change some people, and develop people dramatically to save the business. 

Some radical re-structuring was required and some of the leadership team had low levels of trust, confidence and vision for what might be possible. The old culture of working in silos and an attachment to outdated processes was mostly out of conscious awareness. Communication was seriously poor in the top team and this rippled through to the rest of the management team with some very unhealthy relationships around the business. 

The approach I chose was to develop everyone in the senior leadership team as we worked out who would be a good fit for the capabilities required for the business. By delivering the coaching through intensive workshops as well as individually, we were able to raise awareness and build new skills rapidly. Through this approach we embedded a coaching style of leadership so the entire team could lead and develop the rest of our people effectively.

Two years on and we now have a high performing top team, inspiring vision, fresh strategy and we have already managed to implement much of the necessary re-structuring. The business functions are now fully connected and communication across the business is generally excellent. This intensive coaching approach which we engaged at the start meant we could identify our best potential, and support those who were not a good fit, to move on with new skills and fresher thinking quickly. We were able to recruit some fresh talent which reinforced the new direction giving the rest of the leadership team renewed confidence in themselves and the business. I believe we created the best possible conditions to achieve the massive changes we needed and with critical timing. All the indications are that the business has recovered and we are now in a new growth phase.”  

TM, CEO, Construction 

Deliver Lorem Ipsum

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